Pretty much on skin!

This photo is not mine:)
I am not that too white nor black. I think,on the picture, I am the first one:):|

Agree or not, some people look their fellas based on their skin tone.

 If you're white enough to shine under the sun, OHGAH, you pretty!

If you're on the average complexion that trying to save your skin not to go to black, then you PRETTY enough:|

And if you're black, one must say,'NOT PRETTY!'

People of this hell-in-land world! What is happening to you guys? Don't discriminate other people base on what skin tone they have! SKIN TONE! gaaaahhhhhd. A very light and not acceptable judgement!

I'm not angry! LOL. I just wonder why people are such sarcasm? They tend to JUDGE other people with the one's they see on their bold eyes. PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH, WHERE ARE YOUR BRAINS? PLEASE,A MILLION PLEASE, USE IT!